According to Steve Wozniak, Apple Co-Founder…
As “Woz” said, iPod is dieing…
He explains that iPods are dieing in the “transistor radios and walkman” way of dieing… As you can see, iPod is getting cheaper and cheaper… And its being in alot of displays and it reached a level where a single person owns two or three iPods…
Now my favourite part, he explains his discomfort toward iPhone (Bashar mentioned something similar though)
“Woz” said that iPhone consumers are not getting what they want with the proprietary nature of iPhone compared to the Google’s Andriod open source nature…
Here’s the part of his speak that I enjoyed
Consumers are not getting all they want when companies are very proprietary and lock their products down, I would like to write some more powerful apps than what you’re allowed.
I’m sure Jail breaking it would allow you to do more stuff than the usual… But still, why would you do such thing to a proprietary natured device to be able to tweak around and customize it they way you really like? Wouldn’t it be better if you could do it in a device (with the high possibility that the device developer\manufacturers would provide you with the proper tools and libraries) that allows you to customize it the way you like with support of others as well?
good ridings! i never understood why people liked them in the first place! and don’t tell me it’s because can play MP3s
we cant deny how good it is… yet we cant deny that its not that special either…
to me, i own one because i only got it for free =P
well actually the new ipod nano has pretty neat specs. actually they are excellent , now i am no ipod,mac,apple fanboy heck i have no ipod and didnt want one until this one came out
the following is the link to its specs.
they’re not any special…
specs could be good and all… but at the very least, listen to any song on iPod at MAX volume, and compare it to, let’s say, listening to any song on Zune at MAX volume… you’ll notice a big difference (Well I did… iPods becomes noisy)