This video should be played in every mall, girl school here in Kuwait, Universities, malls again, traffic lights… Everywhere!!
I wish someone would come up with an equivalent video of guys with tartar, stupid spiky hair and the weird stuff our kids do here -_-;
i, too, don’t know whether to laugh or be upset,
but i’m going to bookmark this videobookmarked it. maybe i’ll remove the audio thing though, it’s most definitely true.
side note: “our kids”? you sound like an old man.
Am I not?
loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool nafs ma gilt i feel little offended cuz there representing all Arab girls and that’s not true cuz not all of them looks that way! andi laughed lana ee it’s true fe banat chithi!!!!
What they did isn’t far off the truth. Yet their purpose was to bring up some comedy out of this.
I know we have some hot’n’pretty girls (Yet their hidden and caged somewhere waiting to be freed from the evil monks). But this is just so funny xD
“Yet their hidden and caged somewhere waiting to be freed from the evil monks”
[citation needed]
Any question?
question: how did you get the pic to show? or did you use your evil admin powers?
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