How not to miss a sport event even when you’re answering nature’s call!!

This is somehow disturbing, but could be fun as well…

Imagine this scene:

You go to some sport pub in Australia (Melbourne to be exact) because the final match is live, drank too much (Whatever, in my case, it’ll be something with chocolate, vanilla and milk 😛 ), need to answer the nature’s call but you don’t want to miss a moment…

No worries, you just have to go to the spaceship (Restroom, Toilet or whatever people call it) and do your thing… You could even pee at a player that you hate with guts (Though you should avoid your favorite one 😛 )…

I just hope they don’t apply this in Kuwait and play videos of rap songs… < ,< (I'll leave it to your imagination) Click here to read the related Gizmodo post.

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