We’re gonna have a Global Game Jam event this Friday [29’th of Jan 2016].
Those are the tips for our jammers:
- We request that you try to be there at 2:30pm to attend the talks and get all information about the jam cleared up.
- Come prepared, download and install the software and the tools you are gonna need, we can’t guarantee how fast the internet connection is going to be.
- If you own a portable internet hotspot, please bring it and share it, we’ll have a sheet there for anybody willing to contribute.
- Bring your laptop, if you are planning to bring a desktop computer, please contact us before the event (our contacts are at the bottom of the page).
- The Jam has a theme that will be announced at 5pm, the theme is a secret till we tell you that it’s fine to announce it, so please keep it so.
- bring snacks and drink water.
- Be reasonable when using the shared internet.
- Deodorants .. please.
also if you haven’t yet, read the info we provided on our page
If you have any questions, contact us on twitter.
See you soon !
Global Game Jam Sharq.
Jafar Abdulrasoul (@JimmarxD)
Dherar Al-Rashoud (@Q8GEEK)