Friday’s beach cleaning

There’s a Facebook group that made a “Clean Friday’s beach” event yesterday. I read about it and got abit of excited and kinda more disappointed, excited because it IS a great thing that Kuwaities are actually thinking of cleaning things from their own will, disappointed because I know that not alot of people wouldn’t attend (including me, at first)

The day before the event, my friends Kitsune and eLeeT confirmed their participations so I thought of joining them… It’ll turn to a fun thing since those two are coming.

So we arrived yesterday… And as I expected, from the 50 members in that group that confirmed their arrival, only 4 came (excluding Kitsune and eLeeT)… We were 8 in total; the four admins of that group, Kitsune, his brother, eLeeT and myself… We needed at the very least 10 guys so we could start, Kitsune brought 2 of our friends, Sane and Moshin…

So we started to clean around 18:00 and stopped by 20:30… It was something awful (NOT THE SITE YOU IDIOTS!)…

We cleaned around %40~60 of the beach… We found weird and random stuff… Here’s some that I can remember:
Clothes, underwear, diapers, razors, wood, Sankist (some old skool orange juice), chicken bones (KFC), dishes, functional glasses, estekanat, hair removal cream (WTF?), belts… and the list goes on…

How many bags we’ve collected? 25ish… 20~23 big trash bags to be more accurate… and that was almost half of just that beach!!
10 guys took 2 hours and half just to clean half of that beach… We know for a fact that it’d get ruined the very next day (which is today)… Well, I know… And I assume others does the same…

Anyway, we’re not doing this because we’re forced to… We’re not doing this for money (although offering wouldn’t be bad… j\k =P) We’re doing this because we have to… I mean, this is our country… Our beach… Our environment… It’s not wrong to clean things up just to give something small to the country that provided us with great uncountable things…

We were 8 guys… Later on we’d be more… Even if there wasn’t more, we’ll still be doing this every week (Well, I’m sure my friends will… And might bring more friends along with us)…
Here’s the little joke we made there, if just ONE of us dressed like a girl, took a picture and posted that in that Facebook group, next week we’d be crowded with 28736452874 members to clean things up! Well, its not far from true…

I’m not an environment person, but I love to give something back to the country that made me…

Hope this post reaches people and kick some sense in them so they’d help us out

Here’s pictures I’d like to include:

4 thoughts on “Friday’s beach cleaning

  1. you forgot the zombie fish
    oh and hussein and mohsin got there 30 minutes before we were about to leave <.<

  2. zombie fishes you mean =P

    and yea… atleast hussain and mohsin arrived… much better than those 24625874625387 people who didn’t arrive after confirming their arrival =P

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