Seems like mass sueing brought’em hate 😛
RIAA used to sue single moms because her 12 year old sons\daughters have been downloading some mp3s over the interwebz and they ask ALOT of cash just because of few songs… Well, not literally single moms… They’ve been sueing people massivly and randomly…
So things were messy and (I assume) they’ve been losing more than winning, so they changed their strategy; Target the ISPs…
As in, they’ll ask ISPs to stop music piracy and all… And instead of referring to the person who’ve been downloading songs, they’ll ask the ISP to deal with stuff and actually start tracking pirates and piracy instead…
Funny thing is, one of the ISPs replied with “Pay up!!” thingy… As in, the ISP would do such thing if the RIAA will pay them…
I kinda respect music industry and respect every artist’s efforts and work… But RIAA is giving a bad example of protecting them (I think)… Good thing they switched from mass sueing and all…
Click here to read the ZDNET post.