Don’t blame browsers for web-based vulnerabilities…

Sean Michael Kerner wrote in internetnews that browsers shouldn’t be held responsible for web-based vulnerabilities…

At first, my mind went like “Oh here we go again, blaming other unrelated individuals for such things”… But as I read along, he made some sense…

Most browsers are effected by browsers add-ons (Flash, PDF QuickTime and other add-ons)…

But that doesn’t mean that the browser isn’t fully not responsible, browsers should make some plug-in (or add-on) validation system… Like when Firefox suffered from QuickTime vulnerabilities leaking to Firefox, so they improved their validation thingies…

The same thing should go for IE, Safari, FireFox, Opera, Netscape (if its still alive) and other web browsers… As in, they should improve their valiation methods and actually warn the users when something potentially harmful is cooking…

2 thoughts on “Don’t blame browsers for web-based vulnerabilities…

  1. Well google chrome came up with wonderful ideas such as “each tab got its own thread”…

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