In preparation for a major project we’re planing to do, i was searching for a 3D modeler that can preferably export openGL code directly. also, i wanted a well supported and documented modeler. of course, as a linux user, that meant Blender. the problem with blender is that it doesn’t export openGL code (at least not by default). so after searching for a script or an alternative method on every forum google found, i found out that there was no way to do that unless you parse blender files (.blend) your self. blender can also save files in different formats. the formats blender can export in (by default) are:
VRML was very attractive and had somewhat good documentation. but it is obsolete, replaced by the new ISO standard X3D (and X3D doesn’t seem to have a stable converter for blender). having no other choice, i decided to use DXF. Now, where can i find good documentation on DXF? i downloaded the official DXF reference from Autodesk and tried to understand it, but all it provided were tables (after all it’s a reference). i tried google but without luck. luckily i found an blender-to-obj script that can convert blend files into obj (wavefront). The obj format was well documented, had good examples, easy to find, and available. so i decided to go with it rather than DXF even though the DXF format is a much better format the obj. at least to my knowledge.
I think i went overboard with the story. but my point is this:
What good is a reference if the developer doesn’t have the faintest clue on using it? Nothing! DON’T BE A SMART ASS when writting documentation and be as clear as possible and with examples, or else no one will use your stuff.
Thank you for explaining your experience. I just crawl the web for stuff on X3D, so I thought I would let you know that if Blender only exports VRML, then you could convert the VRML into X3D with InstantReality’s converter at
Maybe it’s after the fact, but there it is anyway.