I’d like to confess about sins I’ve made…
Few days ago, my computer (I named it “Batou”) had both Ubuntu and Windows XP installed…
Leaving Ubuntu aside, I was forcing myself to use FireFox as my default browser, Thunderbird as my email client, OpenOffice as my publishing suit, GIMP for image processing and other OpenSource softwares or free ones…
My sin is that, I formatted that hard drive (That had both Windows’n’Linux) and installed Windows7, Microsoft Office 2007, Photoshop CS4, WinAMP, Microsoft Outlook and mostly proprietary softwares…
So, here’s why I made such sin(s):
* I loved Microsoft Office 2007 more than OpenOffice: Better looks, performance and outputs…
* I loved Microsoft Outlook more than Thunderbird: Not totally used to it, but sorting and handling emails in Microsoft Outlook is much better than Thunderbird… And to top it up, you can hide the whole thing near the clock without showing in the taskbar which Thunderbird can’t (Probably with some plug-ins)…
* I loved Internet Explorer 8… I use it as my main browser and I’m sure it’s not superior to FireFox but it’s not bad at all…
* I am obsessed with WinAMPand Windows Media Player just because you can manipulate’em using widgets and stuff… It eases control with less movements…
* With no doubt, I can’t compare Photoshop and GIMP because each got it’s own uses and needs, but Photoshop works well with my Sony alpha-300 while GIMP doesn’t…
* Visual Studio Express is something you can’t compare to something like GCC Compiler or whatever, it really saves time and effort…
* WINE and mono can’t satisfy my gaming needs… Why emulate things while I can run’em perfectly on the environment they’re meant to be installed on?
So yes, I’m getting dirty with the proprietary softwares and will dig in more Microsoft softwares…
And when Microsoft releases Windows 7 and Office 14, I’ll buy’em both… And I’d probably buy Visual Studio 2010 as well…
Sorry OpenSource guys (SIGTERMer will hate me more 😛 ), I think I started to like Microsoft more…
But hey, I still have Ubuntu on my laptop and it’s up-to-date and I use it every now’n’then whenever I need to do something in Linux that Windows can’t (mostly geeky tools such as aircrack-ng 😛 )…
I’ll still use Ubuntu and probably get more involved in Linux later on, but I’ll get deeper in proprietary stuff as well…
“SIGTERMer will hate me more”
common, i’m not that shallow…
i have a few notes though 🙂 :
1. OpenOffice.org is grate, but it doesn’t come close to MS-word. (if only it was open source.. i can dream can’t i)
2. back in the days when i was a windows finatic (remember vista>XP? i was a fool back then). i used winamp, and to be honest, i would still use it if i used windows.
3. visual studio > gcc is where i think you lost it (no offence). first of all, gcc is cross-platform, available on hardware even you and i haven’t heard of, and it’s cli based. what more could you want. besides like you said, they can’t be compared, vs is an IDE whereas gcc is a compiler.
4. if your a gamer, stick to windows. you’re better off.
regardless of whetever i say, use what suits you best. if you like windows, good for you.
ps: MS-office, photoshop, Visiual studio.. are you paying for them or getting them the easyway (torrent) cuz i KNOW i can’t get all that unless i fork up atleast 150KD.
There’s a Winamp clone for Linux called XMMS.
(3) Why would I use something cross-platform? I use something OS-dependent which would offer better features and stuff than cross-platform
And about office thingy, the students and teachers edition costs around 40KD which is kewl…
Well yes ofcourse… I’ve used XMMS and kinda liked it, but you can’t really compare an original to it’s clone…
“Why would I use something cross-platform? I use something OS-dependent which would offer better features and stuff than cross-platform”
dude! i said it was cross-platform, not platform independent! big difference!
when i said cross-platform, i meant that it was available on many platforms including windows, linux, bsd, solarus, mac, motorela68*, … however, each version compiles the code into native platform binary. heck, it even allows you to mix asm if you fell like it.
in other wards gcc is system independent, but has many versions available for many platforms.
and about the 40kd price tag, aren’t you forgetting a little thing called windows. last time i checked, MS-windows does not come free, bundled with office.
@3baid: thanks for the suggestion, but vlc and mplayer are offer more than what i need.
that’s why I said office costs 40KD, and when you buy a system (pre-assembled computer or laptop) it comes with windows
sorry, but i forgot what we’re arguing about. and i’m not reading all of that. but one thing is for sure: i’m right and your wrong 🙂
whatever makes you sleep the night 😛
“* Visual Studio Express is something you can’t compare to something like GCC Compiler or whatever, it really saves time and effort…” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. (no comment)