If you remember my post about judges and colors, you’d probably want to read this post…
According to a study made by Rui Zhu, A teacher in University of British Columbia in Vancouver and a PhD student Ravi Mehta, Red color boosts attention while blue boosts creativity…
I’ll make this short after reading the whole thing…
Red boosts attention because we use it on alarming signs like the “STOP” signs, caution labels and so on while blue boosts creativity because we use it to refer to openness, freedom, sky and sea (two things that means freedom)…
And because it’s gained by culture and personal life, things could change from one country to another… As in, Red could boost other stuff that attention in China, Kuwait an India while blue could boost other stuff as well…
Well, I’m sure about one thing if someone applied this on Kuwait: Red boosts the perverted approach when we see it on woman (It could go for gays and fags as well 😛 … Other colors might be involved… Probably every color that blinds the eyes 😛 ) and blue would boost our love to the slacky Kuwait National Soccer Team…
I’m bad at explaining, so I’ll leave the Cosmos magazine link for you to read more about it.