XX,XXX< 50,000 Ipads orderd in 2 HOURS?!

Remember my article I wrote on Apple’s unveiling it’s latest Ipad product and how its going to fail miserably. I am not the only one who is saying this but a lot of bloggers and gadgets reviewers have said the same thing. Macrumors.com did a little investigation regarding how many people are going to pre-order the Ipad on March 12. Their investigation has ended with over 50,000 users placing pre-order for the Apple Ipad in just 2 freak’n hours!! All I can say is…. HAS THE WORLD GONE BONKERS?!!! I am willing to bet if Steve Job was to take a crap in his hand and calls it “Innovation” people are more than willing to buy it.

Update: Estimated 91,000 iPads In 6 Hours. This statistic was issued on March 12 from Silicon Valley Insider

5 thoughts on “XX,XXX< 50,000 Ipads orderd in 2 HOURS?!

  1. “I am willing to bet if Steve Job was to take a crap in his hand and calls it “Innovation” people are more than willing to buy it.”
    so true.

  2. Dude, those are only non-geeks wanting to look geek. Since Geek is so in right now 😛
    n00bs -_-

  3. “I am willing to bet if Steve Job was to take a crap in his hand and calls it “Innovation” people are more than willing to buy it.”

    LOL. I actually said the same thing to my co-worker today (an Apple fanboy) but in the end its garbage, just an oversized version of an Ipod. People should just submit to awesome power of LINUX 😀

    Too bad we’re gonna see those losers here in Kuwait -_- Hopefully it doesn’t become the next blackberry/Iphone/Ipod touch/whatever.

  4. Well, its true.

    Those guys would do anything if it had that apple on it, even though this thing is even slower than the mobile phones right now.

    I think the 50,000 sales were made from apple workers or by the company its self just so they wont look bad.

  5. @Eggmaster, not necessarily. They number for the sales does not have to come from directly from the main company but 3rd party company who are connected with the main company and monitor their sales and stocks. Philip Elmer-DeWitt is a close watch dog on Apple inc and reports statistical updates on his twitter account. But keep in mind that a number is just a mere estimate of it will soon become.

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