I’ve been wandering around Safat for a while… Reading others blogs and participating and all.
And to be honest, I enjoy most of’em including the political and religious ones.
As I see it (which I usually mistake), our youth are well generally educated that we can do better than others in other countries (including Europe and United States of America) general information and all…
I try to avoid them since political ones just follow the writer’s desires mostly and religious ones follow the writer’s beliefs and usually don’t have a good resources and backups. I repeat, mostly and usually not always.
I don’t mind the sarcastic blogs and all because, well, it’s just the writer. It’s fun to add a joke or two. Here and there…
But what I DO mind is spelling, grammar and similarities (I can’t think of a third thingy). It’s one of the reasons I’m avoiding writing in Arabic. I get picky at choosing letters and stuff. So I just gave up on writing in Arabic and starting writing in English. Even though, I see alot of bloggers that mistakes in English writings…
I don’t even mind bad blog subjects and posts as long as it’s written following English or Arabic rules and all… I sometimes enjoy reading correct writings
I’d go with, as we call it, Engilazy m3arrab. But I only tend to use it whenever I feel that using the Engilazy m3arrab expressions are much more powerful in meaning than English ones.
I’d go with weird words like PHAIL, IDIOCITY and POOPISM… Even though these words don’t exist, PHAIL is much more meaningful than fail… I don’t know if idiocity is a real word, but it’s as powerful as stupidity (well that’s what I think of)… And poopism is much worst and stinky than any word related to human waste… It gives you the fresh smell of it and the slime feel and look of it (THIS IS DISGUSTING I KNOW)…
I’m a public school student so I’m not any different. I respect every single English teacher in public schools because they’ve been studying English for years. Yet the fact that their English accent doesn’t make us want to learn neither like English made me gain my English skills by my own hands. I didn’t attend any special English class yet (Though I’m planning to… Not because I suck at it, just because I want to polish it).
I know I’m not that impressive in English because, well, my accent is kinda weird. I know that I misspell alot of words. But atleast I usually check my spellings before I publish any post… I still have that “…” and “alot, atleast and other non-spaced words” writing habits that I need to fix… Here… I did it again… And again…
I’ve seen alot of blogs that makes fun of Kuwait’s current state. Making fun of our youth and how weird they are. Its not that I don’t agree, but its that when you make fun of something, atleast check your spelling before making fun of someone else who’d turn on you and make fun of your misspells…
I always believe in writing a word that you don’t know how to spell it in how you pronounce it (which I usually do every now’n’then… Then someone corrects me and I memorize it). But sometimes the word you pronounce is totally wrong which leads you to writing it in a funny way… That, or you pronounce a word correctly but you’re not good at figuring how to write it according to you pronouncing it…
Let’s take “Marina Mool” for example since I’ve seen it recently in someone’s post. You pronounce it “Mall” but write it “Mool”… Why? Because when you read it in Arabic, you’d actually read it “Mool” not “Mall”… It’s not wrong… Actually it’s the perfect word in Arabic to say the English word. It’s similar to Tariq; it’s the perfect word in English that allows you to say the Arabic word. English-to-Arabic translations and the way around isn’t a measurement to pronounce or spell a word. Well let’s just say, not always.
Now let’s take “Nob(s)” as another example. It’s something I go through every now’n’then while playing in some LAN-Party (Which we call a gaming cafe… This isn’t wrong too). When someone kills you, he just yells “NOOB” and writes it “nob”…s or even sometimes yells “NOB” and write it “nob”.
In first situation, YOU ALREADY SAID IT CORRECTLY! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO RUIN IT BY WRITING IT WRONG!?… Even some of them insist that “NOOB” is “nob”… That doesn’t sound right… You cry “NOOOOOOB” and you express it with just “nob”? You just killed the fun outta this word. And what makes me laugh sometimes is hearing the “XXXXX YOU NOOBS” and reading the “XXXXX you nobs” (XXXXX is someone’s player name)… Where did that S come from? I’m a skinny single person… I’d excuse you if I was fat (Y’know… I call my fat brother a whole family). The second situation is a different matter; they didn’t know the original word… It’s okay to resist abit about it and all because they said it the way they wrote it…
Another example is “Safe mood”. Y’know when you face a computer error and you need to restart it to the “safe mode”. And you hear someone saying “Yea restart it to the safe mood and start cleaning…” Computers aren’t moody (Well, I believe they are… But not that!)… People usually say “wa5raw 3anny moody 5ara” or “Beat it kid, I’m in a bad mood”… You say the word mood as a mental state which is correct. But “Safe mode” isn’t a mental state so say “Mode” instead of “Mood”… Computers takes insults from users whether it was moody or not since it can’t hear you and if it can, it wouldn’t act against you because it wasn’t programmed that way (THIS IS NOT THE MATRIX SO THERE’S NO MACHINES AGAINST HUMAN)…
Wait, I’m not done yet… English isn’t the only language abused by Kuwaiti bloggers… Arabic Language had its huge share too…
I’d like you to excuse me for writing in “English m3arrab” since my blog, for some reason, doesn’t accept Arabic fonts…
5anna5eth mathalan el kalemaat elly tentehy ebta2 marbu6a aw ha2 marbu6a… ya3ny mathalan “Fakeha”… Tentehy eb taa2 marbuu6a… leesh? le2anna negdar n7e6laha tanween (hatha ab9a6 6areeqa agdar achayyek etha kanat ta2 marbuu6a walla haa2)…
ka methal thaany na5eth elkalma elly ashoof nas wayed yghal6uun feeha… “o5ra”… tentehy eb 2alef maq9uura (3ala goolat jaary [oho dektoor ebjam3at elKuwait wal3eyathubellah] alef layyena)… wayed WAAYED ashoofha katbeenha oo nehayath-a ya2!!! elkeyboard wa’6e7… etha mat3aref ween el alef elmaq9ura aw ellayena, tara ehey elly maktoob 3aleeha 7arf el “N” bel engilazy… ya3ny 7atta maraat ashofha ebda3ayat, majalat, JARAYED… fa bel bloggaat 7addith wala 7araj…
oo mithal qaatel ba3ad el’6aya3 been 7arf el”Qaaf” oo 7arf el”gheen”… mithil ghaaba oo qaaba… mithil lughatna oo luqatna (Hathy sheft-ha eb blog iDip oo ashkerah 3ala hal post)… oo mithil Maleeq oo Maleegh… shessalfa??
Awal shay, ehya ghaaba… qaaba malaha ma3na (aw laha bas mo nafs ma3na ghaaba)…
Thany shay, ehya lughatna… shloon 9arat luqatna? 9arlena 12 sena y3almonna 3arabi oo bel jadwal maktoob “lugha 3arabeyya”… oo laa ba3ad 7atta beljam3a tadres lugha 3arabeyya aw 7atta lugha engilazeyya aw faranseyya… law inshalla bangaleyya bas maktuuba LUGHA… shloon 9arat luqa?? luqa etha makent ghal6aan ma3naat-ha athneenhom talaagaw aw shay chithi… we7temal kbeer akoon ghal6aan bas law shino moo LUQATNA AL3ARABEYA
Thaleth shay… ehya maleeq mo maleegh… 3ala ay asaas maleegh? 3ashan el qaaf 9a3ba? a9lan el qaaf ehya elly ta36y elkelma quwat-ha elta3bereyya elly min kithir ma elmalaqa maleeqa tloo3 elchabd lamma elqaaf tengaal… maleeegh tadlee3 7ag elkelma… gheer haatha, maleeq a9lan yayya min el kelma “maaleq”… hashay maaleq… enta maaaleq… el gheen mneen yayya?
It’s not wrong to mistake… But it’s wrong to remain mistaken without putting efforts to correct mistakes…
I, to begin with, not so different from other bloggers who commit such mistakes… Yet I tend to correct them if I didn’t notice… I don’t know if they take it offensively if they got corrected, but I don’t… Actually, I appreciate if someone corrected me…
I hope whoever reads this actually starts double-check their writings… I hope I haven’t offended anyone… And if I did, I’m sorry… If that’s not enough as an apology, well, that’s what I have… Take it or leave it…
5anna5eth mathalan el kalemaat elly tentehy ebta2 marbu6a aw ha2 marbu6a… ya3ny mathalan “Fakeha”… Tentehy eb taa2 marbuu6a… leesh? le2anna negdar n7e6laha tanween (hatha ab9a6 6areeqa agdar achayyek etha kanat ta2 marbuu6a walla haa2)…
ka methal thaany na5eth elkalma elly ashoof nas wayed yghal6uun feeha… “o5ra”… tentehy eb 2alef maq9uura (3ala goolat jaary [oho dektoor ebjam3at elKuwait wal3eyathubellah] alef layyena)… wayed WAAYED ashoofha katbeenha oo nehayath-a ya2!!! elkeyboard wa’6e7… etha mat3aref ween el alef elmaq9ura aw ellayena, tara ehey elly maktoob 3aleeha 7arf el “N” bel engilazy… ya3ny 7atta maraat ashofha ebda3ayat, majalat, JARAYED… fa bel bloggaat 7addith wala 7araj…
oo mithal qaatel ba3ad el’6aya3 been 7arf el”Qaaf” oo 7arf el”gheen”… mithil ghaaba oo qaaba… mithil lughatna oo luqatna (Hathy sheft-ha eb blog iDip oo ashkerah 3ala hal post)… oo mithil Maleeq oo Maleegh… shessalfa??
Awal shay, ehya ghaaba… qaaba malaha ma3na (aw laha bas mo nafs ma3na ghaaba)…
Thany shay, ehya lughatna… shloon 9arat luqatna? 9arlena 12 sena y3almonna 3arabi oo bel jadwal maktoob “lugha 3arabeyya”… oo laa ba3ad 7atta beljam3a tadres lugha 3arabeyya aw 7atta lugha engilazeyya aw faranseyya… law inshalla bangaleyya bas maktuuba LUGHA… shloon 9arat luqa?? luqa etha makent ghal6aan ma3naat-ha athneenhom talaagaw aw shay chithi… we7temal kbeer akoon ghal6aan bas law shino moo LUQATNA AL3ARABEYA
Thaleth shay… ehya maleeq mo maleegh… 3ala ay asaas maleegh? 3ashan el qaaf 9a3ba? a9lan el qaaf ehya elly ta36y elkelma quwat-ha elta3bereyya elly min kithir ma elmalaqa maleeqa tloo3 elchabd lamma elqaaf tengaal… maleeegh tadlee3 7ag elkelma… gheer haatha, maleeq a9lan yayya min el kelma “maaleq”… hashay maaleq… enta maaaleq… el gheen mneen yayya?
It’s not wrong to mistake… But its wrong to remain mistaken without putting efforts to correct mistakes…
I, to begin with, not so different from other bloggers who commit such mistakes… Yet I tend to correct them if I didn’t notice… I don’t know if they take it offensively if they got corrected, but I don’t… Actually, I appreciate if someone corrected me…
I hope whoever reads this actually start double-check their writings… I hope I haven’t offended anyone… And if I did, I’m sorry… If that’s not enough as an apology, well, thats what I have… Take it or leave it…
LOL … Did you spell check? Because seriously, if your going to start writing a post about criticizing others, you might want to make sure you don’t have grammatical errors, and your post is FULL of them! LOL
I hope you ”appreciate” me telling you! 🙂
seems like my firefox dictionary plug in is phailing me… thanks twenty three for telling me and yes i do appreciate it.. I’m working on the grammatical issues… but cut me some slack… 1415 words isn’t something easy to deal with y’know -_-;
and boy that was a quick comment twenty three… wondering why are you here so early? 😛
Didn’t Know that you’re good at Arabic, I mean teshra7 8awa3ed!
And good job about that new record!
people living in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. God back over your old posts ….
Anxious Nit:
Like I said, I’m not any different… And I make weird mistakes and hardly able to correct my grammer issues (I don’t have Microsoft Office and OpenOffice doesn’t provide grammer checker)… thanks to you guys I’d be able to work on it
I am terrible at English, the least i care is grammer, as long as i make sense in what i say . But also i suck at reading Arabic thats written in English , so i skip most of the blogs that are in Arablish .
In the end we are not ‘English’ , so why bother about ‘grammer shrammer ‘ .
the only reason I used “arabish” here is because arabic font won’t work here for some reason…
but yea, i use english most of the time so atleast i should try be slightly good at it (though i phail mostly) >_<; its just something i realized, alot who blogs in english makes big BIG mistakes in both english grammar and spelling (including me... i'm no different) and arabic rules and misspells as well most of'em don't work on improving it, well i'm trying
I agree with the gist of your post, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t also enjoy the irony of having many errors and typos yourself :p
By the way, if you’re wondering why your post looks longer than it should, then you’re right because it is! You accidentally repeated a whole bunch of paragraphs. Go over your post and see for yourself 🙂
Anyway, it’s good to know that you also have a good base of Arabic knowledge unlike ~95% of Kuwaiti youth these days.
well enjoying the errors and typos shows when its intentionally or not… and yes… for some reason i repeated some paragraphs and i’m sooooo lazy to re-write everything… who knows i might set another record soon =P
and thanks for the arabic knowledge compliment, its something i forcefully had to memorize it to get “C” in arabic classes >_<
a Arabian phrase comes to mind..
“la 6a7 al’7mal ktharat sakakina”
besides wordpress is available in arabic
it is available in arabic ofcourse… but i haven’t put any effort on installing it, yet… -_-;
WOAH!!! a just posted that a minute ago! amazing!
by the way, how do you put an image on your posts?
by registering at http://wordpress.com, i think
ok, thanks
WOW… 16 comments, that is a lot!
yea… made me happy even though the first few ones were abit of idontknowwhatwordtouse =P