As one of my friend call’em “Sea Monkeys pictures”…

Well, I had a rough day at work yesterday (Yes, I finally got a real job) that I couldn’t get in because of some complications (Maybe because I’m still a trainee and crappy stuff)…

So I went to snap some photos… Here’s the result:

Mini sea creatures 01

Mini sea creatures 04

Mini sea creatures 06

Mini sea creatures 07

Mini sea creatures 09

Mini sea creatures 10

There’s more pictures on My Flickr Page if you’re interested…

So, sorry for the slacky pictures… It’s been a while since I last time snapped a photo so I’m a bit rusting out >.>

9 thoughts on “As one of my friend call’em “Sea Monkeys pictures”…

  1. congrats on the new job. i’m working in a much shorter building near where you work in sharq. hope you find it more tolerable then me. microsoft is no good.

  2. sig:
    Thanks dude 😀
    Oh, it’s just your aggression toward Microsoft that makes you think “they’re no good”

    I don’t know what these are… But I’m sure they’re not dogs or cats 😛
    Snapped these photos near “Al-Theyafa Village” somewhere… I was bored >.>

  3. a short story is in order…

    before i started working, i was thinking of giving microsoft a second shot. after all, it does have its good sides. so a started working with an open mind and without any bias towards microsoft. the first few days of work went by slowly. but i noticed how amazingly integrated windows and office are (when comparing them with gnome and openoffice). i mean i was REALLY impressed. but of course, windows has always been more on looks then design. and when i was given the task to learn and customize windows sharepoint service… my view of microsoft and it’s products were changed from “they might be good for a corp. environment” to:

    THEY ARE LITERALLY CRAP! good looking crap, but nevertheless crap.

    by looking under the hood of one of microsoft’s cutting edge products, i got a taste of how microsoft designed there products and knew why other OSs like linux were much better. all that, including a BSOD on the second day, a ton of “service unavailable” messages and a slug of an operating system (4GB ram 2.5*2 cpu), my mind was set.

    I might give microsoft another chance in 10 years, but i doubt it would survive until then.

  4. You just work in a bad environment…

    You know how much I abuse my computer and laptop and I never got BSOD (Except Windows7, I installed Windows XP drivers on it… So yea)…

    Then again, everyone is entitled to their own opinion…

  5. WOOOOO HOOOOOOO, Geek! You got the job! Wooooo HOOOOOO! *happy dance* and I love the photos. Did you take these at the Marine Science Museum? I love the way they glisten.

  6. Look who dropped by to honor me blog 😀

    But actually no, somewhere near “Theyafa Village”… Near Kuwait Towers…

  7. I want to say nice pictures but I’m trying to figure them out first…and I like the new black theme…it’s really good….and for those who says it’s not good or anything like it…I just wanted to say to them: u’ll get used to it .unless loolykinns changes it.

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