Alright, it’s time for me to start ranting and Apple bashing… Abit =P
The picture above explains the patent clearly… We all know what that means, more dumb kids falling into manholes =P
But seriously, I think I know where did this thing came from:
Alright, it’s time for me to start ranting and Apple bashing… Abit =P
The picture above explains the patent clearly… We all know what that means, more dumb kids falling into manholes =P
But seriously, I think I know where did this thing came from:
they will not enjoy what they gonna see with it, fingerprints are allover the screen!!
You idiot!
It’s a dock, there’s a 2nd screen there that displays things…
oh yea, now that i think about it, it makes more sense!!
I really don’t think im the idiot, Apple is! I’ll be waiting to see people sitting wearing that doing nothing!
… hey, “display dock”, just read the title!
and i think Apple follow this procedure:
1. think of the invented things
2. put one over another
3. put patent
No, you’re an idiot for thinking of using the iPhone\Pod’s screen as an HMD =P
i would even think of a more stupid one, I DONT QUESTION APPLE, they do the weirdest and the stupidest things ever, since iPad, im ready to believe anything
i wonder if now, a girl asking another girl if she can borrow her pad is any less awkward :p