So, apparently, if you check AnonKuwait Twitter account, you’ll see it suspended:
OK, just when I though SOMEONE had taken serious actions, turns out he’s just another attention wh*** who just wants some publicity… So after FASTtelco announced that they remove the cap (And giving serious threats and promises that he’ll compromise QualityNet website), the guy disappeared (I knew he couldn’t do anything but do a half-assed fake hack to FASTtelco)
Here are some retarded tweets (Too lazy to translate to English, but I’ll give out a summary)
The guy said there’s a promocode “AnonKuwait” and you get 20% discount. He said that as being “sarcastic” and I pointed out that he should be more clear.
So basically, after removing the cap, the guy just disappeared. The guy just demonstrated a half-assed excuse of a hack (Where anyone could’ve opened notepad and viewed page’s source, used crawlers to populate files and VVIP IP range which basically means nothing).
I feel ashamed for having a slight respect for him. He technically humiliated us by hiding like that (I bet he got a kickass offer which is why he sold his goal and purpose for this).
I’m quite sure that if he ran some tools (Just like any skiddie [Script kiddie])on my website he could hack it because I’m a bad webmaster and he’ll brag about it!
شباب الكويت بس يتناطحون وكل واحد يدور الزله والشكوك واساءة الظن بالثاني
اذا الواحد سكت قالوا خايف اذا تكلم قالوا يتكسب اذا اخترق شركة قالوا ياهل ومايعرف ومو كفو احترام واذا ماسوى شي قلتوا وين الهاكرز
بالله وين تبون قضايانا تنجح وكل واحد يكسر مجاديف الثاني ؟؟
اذا الواحد وعد وكشت شنقول عنه؟
اول شيء هذا انتقاد لاذع وكذب على الريال اللي حرك الموضوع بعد ما مات
وقامت الحكوم تلعب فيكم يمين ويسار ولا احد درى عنكم
حتى لو الريال عنده اخطاء المفروض بهذا الوقت تتغاضى عنها لانه بالفعل قدم لنا خدمة وشال الكبح في فاستلكو واحرج الشركة والموضوع صار بكل حلج
اما تقعد تستهزء بالريال !! يالله ورنا شطارتك شنو سويت حق الحملة انت ؟!
ما طلع صوتك الا لما تأدبت الشركة وشالت الكاب
عيب عليكم هذا ريال يستحق الاحترام
والحمد لله محد داري عنك
شلون انتقادي كاذب؟ لاذع اوكي بس كاذب؟
اقرا شكاتب عنه من أول شي عشان تعرف اذا انتقادي كاذب أو لأ … واذا كاذب تعال قولي ليش كاذب
بتقولي تويتر موقفين اكاونته هذي صعبه لأن لو بيوقفونه جان وقفوا اللي اقوى منه مثل Lulzsec
اتغاضى؟ الريال ماقصر فشلهم وخلاهم علج بحلج اللي يسوى واللي مايسوى وصج سمعتهم تأثرت. بس انه يعطي وعود وكشت فيها هذا شتسميه؟ اذا مايقدر لايوعد ويتوعد ، يقول احاول مو يقول يايها الدور بكل ثقه ويكشت
استهزء بالريال؟ العكس اطقله تحيه على الضرر اللي سواه من شي بسيط سواه. بس انه يكبره ويسويه شوي مو اهو هم مو صح … وشنو كوبون؟ وين قاعدين؟
لما ارفعوا السماعة وقالولي نبيك تشارك بالندوة وتوقع الورقة ييت احسن من غيري اللي من اول مابلشت الحملة قاعد يتشكى ولما يات وقت الصجية والله تعبان والله عندي نادي والله دايخ نعسان. وقفت باللي اقدر عليه. أما هاك (أو بالأصح عشان العموم يفهمني “اسوي هكرز”) ماعرف لأنه مو مجالي. أنا مجالي برمجة.
أنا وقعت الورقة … وبحكم اني كنت اشتغل بفاستتلكو كلمت وجادلت بشكل شخصي … سويت اللي اقدر اسويه سلميا اما عنف ودفاشه ماقدر … انت سويت شي؟ الورقة وقعها؟ رحت الندوة؟ جادلت؟
مو ضروري أطلع صوتي واجاهر اني حاولت وحاولت … يعني لازم اتحجى واقول واشهر بهالشي عشان الناس يقولون اي والله ضرار حاول ماقصر؟
احترام؟ احترمه على الضرر اللي الحقه في فاستتلكو مو بكشتته فينا وبعدين الحين شالو الكبح عادي يحطونه مره ثانية
محد داري عني؟ دش جوجل واكتب انون كويت وشوف ثاني نتيجة شنو
No offense, but you either have NO sense of humor, or you have something personal against the guy.
He was kidding when he said “Use Code promotion..”, I laughed hard when I read it. What was wrong with that? 😮
Telling him off on twitter, saying stuff like “تستعبط” and “ياريت تكون جاد” and then calling his tweets retarded? That was out of line. He wasn’t advertising the company, for God sake we only have a few ISPs in Kuwait, mentioning their names in a joke to make fun of them isn’t wrong.
And if he had made a promise he didn’t keep, give him time. He doesn’t work for you or anyone else, and he doesn’t have a deadline. Calling him an attention whole, a liar and retarded isn’t helping your case. The entire post was uncalled for.
I hope you take my personal opinion with an open mind.
No offense taken, I did in fact fall for the joke. I can safely assume you’ve read my earlier anonkuwait-non-related posts so you know that I do have a sense of humor, and I fell for it.
Now, take it as someone who don’t and the majority who would believe everything anyone would say, they’ll take it so seriously. That is why I asked to be serious because people would take that seriously (or I was tensed by that time… God knows)
He doesn’t work for anyone, true. He promised and I should give him time, maybe you’re right.
But his account being suspended right after FASTtelco declaring removing the cap? A little bit suspicious.
If twitter would suspend hackers, they would’ve done that to Lulzsec and many others, right? The timing is just too fishy.
Don’t get me wrong, I totally respect the guy for the results, but not the claims and over exaggerating the results (ASP source code is not HTML. Giving a list of VVIP IP range doesn’t mean they’re uncapped [I know they’re not capped, we just need solid proof]).
I really hope he proves me wrong since legal and peaceful methods didn’t work with our bunch of bandits.
Calling him what I called him is what I think of him now. And experiencing some scenarios, it will most likely end up at this. If not, boy I’ll be so wrong.
Maybe I went a little bit overboard, but yes, I still believe he’s an attention wh*** :p
I just have a small comment:
Whats the point of writing the word “whore” in the headline and censoring it in the post itself “wh***” , did it suddenly started to sound wrong? just wondering
I wrote the title when I wasn’t fasting… Then prayer kicked in when I started writing the post…
I usually write what I speak or the other way around (either verbally or mentally)
I believe that Loolykinns got his facts and connected the dots ..and from what i saw he was supportive most of the time and criticized anonkuwait hoping people would take him more seriously and to be honest he only gave up on anonkuwait when anonkuwait disappeared
hell he probably closed his account because of all the pressure people are giving him to release the “secret files” (lol) that he stole … yeah right
what really annoyed me is that he got the anonymous slogan wrong 😛
اخوي جنك كبرت موضوع الكوبون انا اشوفه جدا عادي كان يتغشمر الريال
ثانيا الريال كان يكلمك باحترام وانت كنت تستفزه باسلوبك مع هذا كان جدا محترم معاك
انا اشوف الموضوع ماخذ منحى شخصي معاك
هو ما قصر باللي سواه ويستاهل التقدير حتى لو كان عنده اغلاط
شكرا لك اتمنى تحط تعليقي