Alright! Alright! I’ll wear a watermelon! But please don’t give me a ticket officer!!!

I can go waa~aay beyond that with my imagination just by reading what I’ll provide below…

Nigeria police is facing one funny issue with bike riders…

According to the article, bikers are using pots, pans and fruit shells as helmets since the “A BIKER MUST WEAR HELMET” law have been forced…

Why? They have few reasons actually:
1) Helmets are too expensive
2) The fear of skin disease
3) They’ll be under black magic curse

Leaving the unreasonable last 2 reasons aside, passengers have been informed 6 months before the law being forced and the prices dropped lower than 800 naira (Nigeria’s currency)…

I’d like to add one funny thing too; construction workers are renting their safety helmets for 500 naira a day…

Damn it!! Just add few hundred nairas and get yourself a proper helmet!!

(1 Naira = 0.00193151 KWD)

Click here to read the REUTERS Article.

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