While most manufacturers are expected to be using The Nvidia Tegra 2 processor for their tablets Acer is going through a different route. Namely Sandy Bridge.
Intel’s newest Sandy Bridge CPU’s have built in graphics processors and are designed with lower power requirements compared to the previous generation of Core CPU’s.
Usually when one would put in such a powerful quad core processor in a device Windows, or Linux, would appear to be a logical operating system and Windows 7 does have tablet support, yet Acer are still going with the Android bandwagon.
As a matter of fact it is believed that Acer is considering phasing out their highly successful NetBooks, building fewer models and making them simpler with the belief that Tablets are the way the market is going.
The tablets are coming out in 7″ and 10″ versions and are coming within the first half of 2011.
Guys, DO NOT buy any PC with the sandy bridge chip unless you support a DRM infested processor. The processor has a lock in which you cannot overclock it unless Intel gives you the key which of course, they will charge you for it.
Thanks for bringing that up.
I almost forgot about it.
Overclocking has always been something that processor manufacturers have tried to prevent.
Hence why most lower end processors have locked multipliers.
However the way that sandybridge prevents overclocking is since the clock generator is on the CPU instead of relying on the front side bus. All the Clocks are tied up together including the USB and SATA clocks which you would generally want to avoid touching.
Overclockers would buy the K-series CPU’s anyways which have unlocked multipliers, allowing you to overclock the CPU