Aaaaaaaaand I’m using Windows7

I know I’m Guilty… But seems like I couldn’t wait for it to be released by Microsoft 😛

Anyways… Here’s what I like about it (so far):
*   Installing the system was so easy’n’SODAMNFAST
*   Booting and shutting down was so quick (much faster than Windows XP)
*   Looks AWESOME (Stop it right there Mac fanboys… You’d jump saying they just ripped you off but who cares?)
*   Useful gadgets that actually supports Kuwait (Been using Google Desktop Gadgets which frustrated be since it doesn’t support Kuwait much)
*   Doesn’t look so complicated
*   More control and details about stuff… Like the ability to dumb an executed file

What I hated about it:
*   My hardwares aren’t supported… Well, mine are legacy and even Vista doesn’t support’em (Toshiba Satellite Pro L20-148 & 149… Google it’s specs)

But I fixed my hardware issues using old drivers… Though I’m still having issues with my VGA Card which would be fixed soon inshallah…

I have to explore it more… So far, I’m enjoying the HELL OF IT!!!

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