Red is so old… And the green laser pen is starting to annoy us here in Kuwait… But multi-colored!?
7 Colour Handheld Laser Projector – video powered by Metacafe
rog8811 from Click here for more details.
Red is so old… And the green laser pen is starting to annoy us here in Kuwait… But multi-colored!?
7 Colour Handheld Laser Projector – video powered by Metacafe
rog8811 from Click here for more details.
Hello Kuwait, Nice to see you have picked up on my instructable, if you have any questions I am only too pleased to discuss the laser.
Regards rog8811
Such an honor to receive a comment from you man n_n
It isn’t often I get the chance to spread the word around the world.
I see red and green mentioned in the intro, have Blu-ray lasers hit Kuwait yet?
Regards rog8811
Well, I think the only way to get one is by salvaging a blu-ray device… Which is an ugly thing to do y’know =_=;
I guess it depends on how much you want one, I have built dozens of them and use one on a daily basis in the classroom.
Is there much of a laser building scene there or do most people go for prebuilt from the web or shops?
Regards rog8811
not really… we lack hardware hackers and electronics hobbyists here in kuwait >.>