5KD from WesternDigital

Before a week, my brother “MurderHeWrote” wanted me to format his WD passpord (external HDD) it was 160GB so I formatted it to NTFS, but then we realized that it wasn’t working with the PS3. So I started searching the internet for a sulotion, after a while I knew that PS3 doesn’t support NTFS so I had to know the HDD’s previous FileSystem so I went to WDC.com (WD main site) and searched for the info, but I didn’t find the answer; so what I did is “safalt feehom eshwaya” and asked them about the FileSystem that it uses(I sent a massage to their support team). I managed to find the FileSystem that it uses after a while and it was FAT32, at that time I was like “Finally”. Anyhow later that day(I think it was at night) the team sent me a message saying sorry for not providing such information and told me that they’ll put it there(After telling me that it uses FAT32) i wanted to say only one thing “Sh3ogba?!!”.

The message they sent me included a link for a survey about how their service was(the info they provided and stuff), I took it without caring; just wanned to help. … Earlier this morning I’ve received a message from their HQ thanking me for taking the survey and they gave me a gift, thy gave me a code, that code saves $15(equals almost 5KD) on purchases over $150(equals almost 50KD) at the Western Digital Online Store. The problem is I don’t buy things over the Internet and I don’t want to leave it like this; so I’m giving this code to who ever wants it, here it is ” zzzdr79bq”, My advice if you want to buy a product from WD then use this code before others use it! enjoy and one last thing the code expires on 31 March 2009 at 11:59 p.m PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)

You know WD made a good thing; giving stuff like that. I know one thing for sure, if Microsoft gave $15 for each bug report we’ll be milionares in no time! 🙂

Anxious Nut

4 thoughts on “5KD from WesternDigital

  1. Y’know, FAT32 is almost any external storage device’s standard file system… You should’ve known that even before formatting the external hdd

  2. well i didn’t know that cuz that was the first time I know about FileSystems and stuff, but they should have written it!

  3. New internal disks come non-formatted. Externals ones vary between NTFS and FAT32.

    PS3’s OS support FAT32 only and there’s no mention of any NTFS support in future firmware updates.

    You could install Linux on it and use the NTFS support though, but you won’t be able to view in HD.

  4. Thanks for the info, but about NTFS I’ve read that they’re planning to support it(nothing for certain, it might be rumors!). And about putting linux on it, i really would like to but … it’s not mine!!

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