250,000USD for anyone who helps identifying the cornficker virus!?

Now I wish I knew hackers globally (Not the common ones here in Kuwait and GCC area) 😛

Microsoft is offering 250,000USD for whoever help out busting the guy who’s spreading Downadup/Cornficker worm…

Well, they’re not denying that they’re having security issues like Apple and probably Microsoft back in few years (Microsoft really changed specially since the Vista Launch… Yes Vista, if you don’t like what I say you can bang your head against the wall for all I care)…

Better yet, they’re offering 250,000USD (72,425.05KWD) for whoever help’em identify who’s behind that virus\worm…

Now before everyone starts saying “Switch to Linux\Mac OS SUCKS (My own [Mac OS X] definition)”, I need to remind you that Windows remains the most targeted OS and it’s still a majority, so developing such stuff is a common thing… We’ve seen Linux share of malwares and the same goes for Mac OS Sucks malwares (Even though only idiots would get infected by such idiotic malware, it still exists and infected some people)…

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