Arranging a LAN party!

Alright, I don’t remember hearing anything about something like this happening around Kuwait. So I decided to make it happen somehow.

I got initial plans set. All I need now is to evaluate how many participates are going to attend. More details will be brought up soon.

So until then, please fill in this survey for those who are interested.

I promise, I won’t spam you.

5 thoughts on “Arranging a LAN party!

  1. You need to spread the word first. So you should start by sharing this on facebook (probably make a page too) since most Kuwaitis are there. In the mean time, you should let Lucky Generation Gamers so they’d announce that in their next podcast or post an article about it.

    Good luck with that, and if it ever happens – hopefully does -, let me know personally, just wanna check peek on you guys! :p

  2. Do a League of Legends LAN party and I’d join in and probably a friend or two. Love that game and I’m always looking for more players to play with.

    1. I really can’t do it because there won’t be an internet connection to do LoL.

      If this one pulled up without any major problem, I promise to make another one some time soon WITH internet so people could play all the epic MMO games 😀

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