OLPC XO-2 to be launched in Q1 in 2010

I remember I’ve read something about this but I never knew when will it be released…

As shown in the pictures, this laptop would have two touch screens that one of’em would replace keyboard’n’touchpad…

This little fellow will have (for sure) Speaker, Webcam and Fold-Out Antenna…

And it might have GPS (which I doubt because it’ll cost alot considering the OLPC standards and all), Accellometer, Light Sensor, Hinge-Angle Detector, Gigabit Ethernet, Power over Ethernet (interesting), USB (They might drop it off due to its annoying architecture), maybe SD Slot and other uncertain stuff…

The awesome thing is that it’ll cost around $75!!!!!

To read more about this guy, Visit the Computerworld related article.

5 thoughts on “OLPC XO-2 to be launched in Q1 in 2010

  1. Thats why they call it OLPC (One Laptop Per Child)… it’ll be as cheap as $75 so they could afford it…

  2. its for children o.O …me noi cares when this gets in the market ill be one of the first people to get this dammit it looks awesome 😛

  3. This is nice, but i think spending a little more money and buying a real laptop would be better. At least it’ll last for a long time, unlike that childish thingi!!

    And about its shape and looking, i think you’re going to use it not looking at it!

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