So it’s about time that I’ve made my first blog post EVAR! I’ve decided to finally post about the work I’ve been doing.
First, an introduction about who I am — since it’s my first post and everything — I be the partner of our friend loolykinns(Q8Geek) on his www.qlendar.com Project. in a nutshell, I’m a programmer and I’m inlove with my profession. Oh and Also, I’m the founder of www.pwnping.com, ’nuff said. Now for the juicy stuff….
Me and a friend have been working on a bot for about a week now, we’re still in our first version (barely alpha) bot for Rift (The MMORPG game), but we have finished all the basic functionality of it.
We’re looking for Alpha/beta testers to release our exclusive bot.
What is a bot?
Simply, a program that plays the game for you the way you want it while you’re at work, out, sleeping, etc…
Link to the game: http://www.riftgame.com/en/game/
A Random Image from google of the game itself:
Now, Our bot “At the moment” has the following:
– Fighting
– Looting
– Auto Un-stuck
– Waypoint System (Can create profiles and play them.)
– and more…
We’ll constantly be adding more features and options but we would love beta testers and feedback about it.
If you are interested, drop a comment in and I’ll contact you. (Any comments are appreciated.)
It’s an unnamed bot, but we have given it like a Prototype name “KillaR”, I know ’tis stupid and everything but meh took us like 2 minutes to come up with the name xD.
UPDATE: We are looking for recruits, anyone interested in joining the dev team, please leave a comment below.
– Knows Programming (C# is a requirement)
Ey welcome to the q8geeks community 🙂
I don’t really play MMO’s however mad respect for building said bot
Thank you :D! /bow