Microsoft is sick of “Mac vs PC” ads…

Can’t blame’em… Because I’m sick of’em as well…

I mean c’mon lets seriously face it; Mac is in no way superior to ANY PC!!! (Well, if you count “looking pretty” as your only factor of being superior then yea maybe it is)…

Fundamentally, Mac worths much less than what its sold for… For a price of Mac, you could get two or three PC Laptops… Being thin and slim and being friggin easy to use doesn’t mean its a better computer\operating system…

Those “Get a Mac” ads aren’t true… I mean, the hippie guy is JUST HIPPIE… No seriousness in his life (cept maybe for the ad where he wore a suit) but still is over PC bashing…

Damn it, they’re even almost the same… Almost the SAME DAMN HARDWARES… THEY’RE ALL INTEL!!! THEY’RE ALL PCS…

Talking about this is pointless since Mac users are attached to Mac’s prettiness and easiness with the fake “it’s better than PC” thingy… So Microsoft decided to take actions

They’re asking “Jerry Seinfeld” to do a commercial campaign… Doing this for $300 Millions…

Click Here to read more about it in REUTERS.

32 thoughts on “Microsoft is sick of “Mac vs PC” ads…

  1. 300 MILLION $ for and add wow.
    well i also believe that apple is only hyped because of its marketing strategies and they do not have the best products available in the market except the ipod range.

  2. well not a single ad… a ad campaign… lets hope they fire back at those apple thingies…

    and then again, iPod aren’t so special (even though I use one… but hey I got it for free… can’t complain)… I’m actually planning on buying Creative Zen orwhateverthatnamewas…

  3. “Mac is in no way superior to ANY PC”

    No offense, but I actually stopped reading after this. I am aware of the topic in hand from the picture of Seinfeld you attached. Looking forward to the commercials though.

  4. non-taken… yet then again, you cant (in any way cept for mac’s prettiness) show a thing mac can do and a pc cant (if not surpass)…

  5. DTP on mac is superior to Windows.
    and stop saying pc .. they are all pc’s in the end o.o

    i like how mac is closed when it comes to its hardware, means that there is less chance for a fuck up thanks to an incorrect piece of hardware being shoved in there ..
    everything is well tuned to work with everything else..

    while a windows pc its more a trial and error .. its cheaper in the end because you dont get an assembled pc off the shelf..

    its like how gateway was more ‘spensive than a computer you assemble yourself.

  6. ” For a price of Mac, you could get two or three PC Laptops” <—That is not true. really, thats not true.. where did you get this info from?

    1-Best Macbook is $1500 which equals KD397. Can you buy 3 laptops with this amount? NO!

    2-Best macbook pro is $3000 which equals KD795. And You can not buy 3 laptops with that amount either.

    3-Actually, Macs are cheaper than windows based PCs. since with MACs, one is enough to last for 4 years, where in PCs you’re gonna need to replace it more often than that.

    Besides, I’ve been a windows user and hated it, and when I started using MACs I discovered that they’re much superior in every way. Better looking, better performance and priced the same as any other laptop.

  7. Dear Yousef:

    1- you might be right… but with the macbook specs which costs $1500, you could get approximatly a better laptop in specs with cheaper price…

    2- i might not be able to buy 3… but i might be able to buy 2 with specs which goes beyond the pro’s specs…

    3- macs aren’t cheaper… not in the coming few years… compare lenovo and macbook air… better specs, cheaper price, no need for external crap

    and mac isn’t better in performance.. or they would’ve used it for gaming, networking, servers, simulations and the list goes on…

  8. Dear dhari:

    every system would freeze if you mistreated it…

    the only reason windows freezes, crashes and slows down is because you mess around with it and mistreat it… i’ve been using windows for a while and it crashes because i messed and tweaked stuff… and that doesn’t happen so often…

    beside mac isn’t as much used as windows so discovering bugs and errors isn’t like windows… the same goes with malwares…

    lemme just throw a quick link showing someone who switched from windowsXP to mac

    and then again… why do you ALWAYS compare mac to windows? why not… Linux?

  9. Well, one thing’s for sure: Badmouth the Mac and the onslaught of sensitive Mac fanboys will make you regret openning your mouth!

    Silly people can’t get it through their heads that such matters boil down to personal preferences in the end. Many benchmarking tests show that no one platform has a clear advantage over the other, and that it mainly depends on the individual setup and the user’s behavior.

  10. i just woke up from a a weird nap with a weird dream… so if i got what you said “Madao” right, here’s my reply

    its not just about personal and individual preference and treatment, its about the applications that you could apply…

    I mean in my crappy laptop and computers, I could even go on hardware development easily without limitations… like controlling the “Parallel Port”…

  11. Ur rong Macs Dont get viruses or spyware thay last amost forever my uncle has a mac from 77 and it still operates great they are easier 2 use the Mac book can run Vista Faster than any other pc and microsoft is now stopping the name vista so people can actually buy their product. They should invest in fixing their problems instead of advertisments. consumer reports has tested macs and sayin that macs are better. Ur just dissing macs because u cant afford one

  12. tony adorno:
    So explain why the mac osx DNS update exists?
    and while you’re at it, explain why after patching it, THE DNS VULNERABILITY REMAINS VULNERABLE EVEN AFTER MAC’S PATCH?
    and oh, don’t forget to explain why they patched a patch that they released for the dns flaw?


  13. All computers are vunerable during upadates pcs have the same problems even though Macs have LESS problems nothing is perfect That is only a couple problems Microsoft has Dozens of problems an They Have Been patching Patches since Vista Came out

  14. dear tony adorno:
    better features? like the multi-touch? oh that should prevent you from being hijacked… ooooooh… i still laugh at the mac that got pwned in 2 minutes in the pwn2own conference while windows vista survived for hours?

    get a life… its pretty… its good… its a good laptop… but not superior…

    and what with “you cant afford them”? so its better because it costs more?
    “Hummar H3” costs more than Toyota’s new “FJ Cruiser” but “Toyota FJ Cruiser” kicks the “Hummer H3″‘s butt so hard…

  15. I got a life i dont pose arguments on the internet on how pcss are better i stumbbled upon this kid ur a geek im just know whats better u poket protecter warcraft playin nerd play a real game like madden or 2k sports

  16. and how are pcs better u know u can run windows vista or xp on a mac and even u can use a program called cross over 2 use windows programs without installing windows on a mac i dont se microsoft making peoples lifes easier their just making them hardder with vista


    read the title… says “Apple – Mac OSX Leopard”… So leopard and mac osx are totally different now?

    and you don’t post arguments on the internet on how pcss are better because one or more of the following reasons:
    1) you suck as a computer person
    2) you dont own a place to post your arguments so you came here
    3) you’re still pre-historic because you think your dad’s 77 mac is still good
    4) you blame me for game titles that you play while i dont (though i rarely play wow)
    5) i dont know the value of money… i buy whatever i think they’re reasonably valued to me and my funds

    and you just proved something… that pc works under mac which means windows is more flexible than mac… vista is not hard… its only hard for idiotic people who wont think flexibly enough to mentally port from a system to another

  18. Macs are better better reliability no one needs to fix inless u smash it with a hammer so shut up about the tweeeking macs were reliable since they first came out but they were slow and primitive the new macs are the best computers out their probaly second 2 alien ware i only know this stuff because my dad and uncle talk about it all the time plus alien ware is wicked expensive. 3 times more than apple no stop cryin in ur room with ur crappy ass dell in ur arms

  19. if mac were reliable they would’ve used it in corporations as servers right? why do they still use windows server and linux?

    and whats with shut up about tweaking mac? you mean you’re fine with a system the way it was years ago? are you that stubborn and stone headed?

    and whats with alienware is wicked expensive? so you cant afford one? is that how it roles? you blame me for not affording mac and cant take the fact that you cant afford alienware?

    y’know i dont mind mac and mac users… but i really mind mac users who talk this stupid… seriously… get a life… go mess with that 77 mac of yours… i’ll go mess with my toshiba that surprisingly still works with no crash whatsoever since i got it back in 4 years…

  20. i dont play war craft atalll i dont post this because im not a nerd im aon the varsity football team u only can work it because u spend probaly sixteen hours a day on it macs are flexible its that dell or hp or any other pc has not made a pc that is advanced enough to operate lepord
    i stumbled upon this crap and had 2 shut u up

  21. atleast i make money over things i love to do without having to tire myself over football… i dont spend sixteen hours… i spend more…

    i wont shut up specially since you dont write in proper english… atleast fix your words for god sake

  22. so mac is not expensive for an average person?

    y’know… whatever you say just makes sense to yourself because you’re an ignorant mac fanboy…

    read this and read it carefully:
    mac osx is a good operating system… i respect it as an operating system… but its not superior to pc in any other way (except for multimedia)… there’s nothing mac can do that pcs cant do if not even better…

    mac only rules in multimedia stuff…

    just go to your football match… you’re missing it…

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