[Migrated from Loolykinns] A story from FASTtelco’s era: That’s how the DSL light is blinking.

This story goes when a customer called telling me the internet isn’t working. Turned out it’s just a matter of wrong phone wire connectivity.

So while I was troubleshooting, I asked him to turn of the router and turn it back on. The funny part goes like this:

Me: Can you see the DSL light?
Customer: Yes?
Me: Is it off, blinking or constantly on?
Customer: تعرف لما تمشي على خط فحيحيل؟
Me: إي؟
Customer: ماشي حارة يسار ماكو احد مضاقيقك ومومضايق احد ماشي 120 او 130؟
Me: إي
Customer: وتوّك تشوف المنظرة ولا واحد بن كلب راعي دودج جارجر مطفي ليتاته وقاعد يكبسلك مثل الخبل؟
Me: إي *With a giggle*
Customer: جذي ليت الدي أس أل!
Me: شكلك معاني من هالموقف
Customer: إي قبل نص ساعة وانا راد البيت

We both had our loud laughs and things worked perfectly well after the laughs. His story killed some time xD

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