Boom iPod touch…

Seems like the Apple hotness gone beyond control…

Some Ohio mom is suing apple on behalf of her son who got his iTouch burned inside his pocket causing him second degree burns on his leg, a hole in his pants (Let’s hope it’s not his favorite) and an underwear meltdown…

Well, we all know who to blame, THE EVIL COMPANY!!!

No but really, I’m sure it’s something accidental and all, but it caused such a physical, emotional and mental damages… Let’s just hope his reproducing organs aren’t damaged or affected…

And good thing people switched from iPhone-trend to BlackBerry-trend… Atleast they switched to something abit more useful 😛

Click here to read the Engadget post and Here to read about more similar accidents…

5 thoughts on “Boom iPod touch…

  1. Ouch, I think that guy will hate APPLE for the rest of his life!! And way to go “mom”, you go show those little scum bags!!

    Don’t get me wrong … apple is good

  2. Well, atleast everyone uses iPod… It’s almost the only worthwhile media player (Though I’m considering switching to Zune or Zen)

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