Jeem Programming Language

The reason I wrote “Jeem” is that Arabic font isn’t enabled in my blog for some reason…

To make it short, some Doctor named “Ammar Salka” made a programming language in Arabic Language…

The story behind creating this language is that one of his friends made some educating material and asked the Dr. Ammar what he thinks. Then he thought that programming (Such as LOGO and BASIC) are easy to teach for kids, but it’s hard since it’s written in English, so this ignited the desire to make an Arabic programming language that should be somehow as useless as C\C++ and PASCAL…

I really respect and salute for the efforts the Dr. Ammar had to push to finalize such project… I know it’s such a real hard task to fulfill and all…

The following paragraphs are nothing but personal opinions… You’re free to like\hate them… You’re free to join me with the laughs or start cussing and all… Whatever you think, it remains personal opinions…

Anyways I’ll be honest, I couldn’t stop laughing and totally couldn’t stop making fun of this project…

Yes, it IS a great project and the work behind it is something I’ll never dream of mimicking, but it just made me do that…

Maybe because I’ve been dealing with computers in English since I was 8 years old and I just burst out laughing when I read the literal translation from English to Arabic…

The only use of this programming language is to teach those with extreme bad English structure computer users how to programme… Or 5~10 years old who studies in public high schools in Kuwait with total bad English education (Yes, I just described the majority of Kuwait’s public school students and probably the majority of private school students as well 😛 ) how to programme and understand the programming principles until they improve their English language skills and base…

OK, enough of being an ass… I really respect Dr. Ammar for such tool… And I’d literally bow for him if I saw him in real life and take off my hat (I’ll buy one since I have none yet)…

Click here to visit the Jeem Programming Language website.

5 thoughts on “Jeem Programming Language

  1. i read about it once before and i thought it was a joke; not because i thought that arabic wasn’t suited for programming, but because computers, microprocessors, Digital electronics, and even basic components such as transistors are designed, documented, and used by people who speak english. and most of the computer’s components have WELL KNOWN english names. and i for one am not prepared learn each components arabic name to find that it had just been made obsolete by a newer component without a known arabic name.

    but i just knew that it was intended to teach young arabs to program and that changes everything. i definatly support it when it comes to teaching non-english-speaking arabs how to program. thanks Dr. Ammar

  2. Imagine if the programming languages were written in Arabic or other than English language, how hard it will be for you to learn the foreign language and the programming principles ?????

  3. To me, the principle of writing a whole programming language from scratch in another human language isn’t a good general solution because you’ll float ALOT of problems that haven’t been there.

    As Dr. Ammar thought, this is a great tool to teach programming to those who has extreme bad English skills. Although there’s pure Arabic tutorials for almost every single good programming language, but Dr. Ammar’s approach shows nothing but his geniuses and unique approach of delivering something to his students.

    I’m not questioning the man’s efforts or knowledge neither his approach and how he thinks of stuff. I just find this project “short-lifed” and would die soon because whoever learns this will literally drop this language for atleast C\C++. It’s a good starting concept for those with bad English, but it’s a bad concept to do serious computing (Atleast for the time being).

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